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How to Contribute

Choose your VCS

Before Contributing, you must choose a VCS. You have both Git and Mercurial as an option.
Both VCS are fully-supported, and have different ways of Contributing.


The first obvious thing, is to clone the repo.

Cloning via Git
git clone

Making changes

The next step is, of course, to make changes. To know how, refer to the Firefox source docs. We will soon public our own source docs as well, to help with it.

Submitting patches

This step depends highly on your VCS


If you’re using GitHub, the preferred option is GitHub Pull Request. To do so, first push the the changes to your fork, and create the PR. We’ll soon review your changes, and if we feel that their inclusion is worth it, we’ll pull them in.


If you’re using Mercurial, then the preferred method is E-Mail Patches. You can mail your patches to ~rajdeep/flamewolf-devel. To know how, refer to hg-send-mail.